Show Search Instructions
Noticias de representaciones teatrales en Galicia hasta 1750 » Búsqueda avanzada
Enter your search terms in the fields below and click "Find"
Enter the values into the appropriate fields and click the "Find" button to find records the contain the specified patterns.
e.g., If you enter "Dog" in one of the fields, it will match records that contain the phrase "Dog". This includes "madog" "doggy;" etc...
If you enter criteria into more than one field, they will match only those records that match BOTH criteria.
Prepend an equals sign ("=") to any criteria to force exact matching.
e.g., Searching for "=dog" in a field will match records where that field contains "dog" (and not "doggy";)
Prepending a less than ("<") or greater than (">") sign to a will match records where the field has a value LESS THAN (respectively GREATER THAN) the specified value.
e.g., Entering ">200" in the Price field will match records with price greater than 200.
To match records containing values in a range, use "<LowerRange> .. <UpperRange>" where <LowerRange> is the lower bound on matches and <UpperRange> is the upper bound on matches.
e.g., To find records where Price is between 200 and 500 enter "200..500" in the Price field.
To perform wildcard searches, prefix your query with a tilde ("~"), then include one of the supported wildcard characters in your query.
Supported Wildcards:
- % : Matches any string of length 0 or more characters.
- _ : Matches a single character.
- "~J%y" will match only if the field value begins with "J" and ends with "y". E.g. It will match both "January" and "Joy", but not "Joyous" or "AJoy"
- "~B%" will match any rows where the field value begins with "B"
- "~B_b" will match any rows beginning and ending with "b" and is 3 characters long. This would match "bib" and "bob" but not "boob"